Tor 需要您的系统时钟(及您的时区)设为正确的时间。
Antivirus or malware protection blocking users from accessing Tor Browser.
Sometimes these also pop up with false positives regarding malware and/or vulnerabilities.
You can read more about this on our Support Portal.
The following antivirus and firewall software have been known to interfere with Tor and may need to be temporarily disabled:
- Webroot SecureAnywhere
- 卡巴斯基 Internet Security 2012
- Sophos Antivirus for Mac
- Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE)
- Avast 反病毒
VPNs also tend to interfere with Tor and need to be disabled.
We also do not recommend using VPN and Tor together unless you're an advanced user who knows how to configure both in a way that doesn't compromise your privacy.
You can find more detailed information about Tor + VPN at our wiki.
需要 Adobe Flash 的视频无法观看。
因安全原因关闭 Flash。
Tor 在已使用代理时无法使用一个网桥。
Tor 浏览器软件包的日期为 UTC 时间 2000 年 1 月 1 日 00:00:00。
This is to ensure that each software build is exactly reproducible.
Issues with making Tor Browser as your default browser.
If Tor Browser was working before and is not working now (especially after a re-install or an update), your system may have been hibernating.
A reboot of your system, in that case, will solve the issue.
Tor won't start on Windows when the folder path contains non-ascii characters.
BitTorrent is not anonymous over Tor.